Adult Ged Classes Online Free

High School Diplomas The testing program was developed to give U.S. And Canadian citizens who have not graduated from high school the opportunity to demonstrate the level of achievement normally acquired through the completion of a traditional U.S./Canadian high school course of study. The five GED comprehensive examinations cover writing, social studies, science, interpreting literature and arts, and math. To locate a testing center, visit the website. It provides a mechanism to search locations in foreign countries using an advanced search. Civilians who want to take the test at a U.S. Military base, or if there is not a center close by, contact: Manager of International Testing or Director Data and Scoring Services GED International Testing Service 1 Dupont Circle NW, Suite 10, Washington, D.C.

Our online GED prep course is designed to help you succeed. These lessons are effective, are designed with simplicity, and, perhaps most importantly, are created for adults and don’t come with silly cartoons or other condescending instruction. Online GED classes are also available in adult education center and in libraries. Online GED® Math Class. Here you will find an online, completely free GED test preparation course, as well as practice tests, which can help you pass your GED exam and take the next step toward college or a new career.
100% Free Ged Classes Online
Phone: (202) 939-9490 / Fax: (202) 833-4730 College-Level Examination Program The serves high school students, enrolled college students, international students, and adults returning to college. It is designed to for students to receive college credit for knowledge learned outside the classroom. The heart of CLEP is a series of examinations rewarding students for what they know, whether they learned it in school, on the job, through reading, by observation, or in the course of life experiences. • Visit the to: •. • and lists of colleges that award CLEP credits. Adult Education Opportunities Abroad For information on courses offered by universities and colleges abroad or other education options available at post, contact the Community Liaison Office (CLO) Coordinator or the Human Resources Officer at the embassy or consulate.
Akreditasi Institusi Perguruan Tinggi (AIPT) tersebut diperoleh sejak tahun 2008 sampai dengan saat ini.