Holy Dua Ismaili
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Holy Dua Ismaili Songs
The Holy Du'as that are recited in the 'Ismaili Jamatkhanas owned by the Aga Khan' are Supererogatory Supplications, Commanded by the Aga Khan. The synonyms to be found in a dictionary for the legal/technical term 'supererogatory' are; 'superfluous, nonessential, uncalled-for'.
Contents • • • • • Nizārī prayer performed at Jama'at Khana [ ] Jama'at Khanas are usually built with a facing although Ismāʿīlīs believe that 'to God belongs the East and the West' ( 2:142). The Du'a contains two positions of prayer: qu'ud 'sitting' and sajada 'prostration', the latter done at the end of each rakah. In tradition, Ubhi Tasbih is recited during. (prayer beads) are used at various points during the Du'a. At the end of prayers one turns to one's neighbour and offers peace, saying Shah-jo Deedar 'may you be blessed with the of your Lord'. A major difference with other forms of Islamic prayer is that a male or female Ismāʿīlī of any age who knows their Du'a may lead the ceremony, this emphasizes the equality of male and female in Nizārī Ismailism. The Holy Du'a is recited in.
Historically, approximately prior to the establishment of, Nizaris from India and Pakistan would recite the prayer in an Indian vernacular. How to conduct the Nizārī Holy Du'a [ ] The Holy Du'a starts with Surah and then various verses from Surat,, and are recited and the last part of the rak'ah contains Surah. At the end, after the utterance of Shah jo deedar to both sides, as a gesture of humility one takes the dust of the place where the has done and rubs it on their face three times, while simultaneously reciting the. Towards the end of the Du'a, a list of all the is read, beginning with and ending with the current Imam.
See also [ ] • • • • • • References [ ].